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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dubbing session


By yani subandriyo

recording source : http://www.4shared.com/file/KFGdlKO-/AVSEQ02.html

Type of activity

Group of four students


Function practiced

Daily activities

Suggesting, asking someone to do something, negative question

Language Exponent

Don't you / didn't you ……..

Present perfect (have/has + Past Participle) = telah

Lexical Area

Family, house life, and social interaction.

Problem Vocabularies

Wanna (…………………………..), gonna (………………………), stuck (………………………..), or else (…………….)

Won't (…………………………….), excuxes (……………………..), the other (…………………….), butt (……………)

Scream (………………………….), wake up (…………………….), get up (………………………..)

How to use the game

This game should be best played by four students. Each student should choose one of the characters they like. Teacher then presents the complete dialog using the LCD Projector so that the expressions are clearly seen. It is best to be presented twice for intermediate and three times for beginners. While listening to the presentation, students could fill the blanks of the dialog. Teacher and students then discuss the dialog together. After students understand the dialog, teacher plays the dialog in LCD but this time students should dub the voice of the character they choose. The best dubbing group is then decided based on their pronunciation, intonation, and the way they express the emotional message of the dialog.

For complete material and download you can click the following link:

record at :


teaching material at :


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rahasia dan Keanehan Segitiga Bermuda

Bahan diskusi english conversation– pre itm

18 05 2010

Bagi Anda yang gemar kisah misteri, pasti mengenal Segitiga Bermuda, wilayah laut di selatan Amerika Serikat dengan titik sudut Miami (di Florida), Puerto Rico (Jamaica), dan Bermuda ini, telah berabad-abad menyimpan kisah yang tak terpecahkan.

Misteri demi misteri bahkan telah dicatat oleh pengelana samudera macam Christopher Columbus.

Sekitar 1492, ketika dirinya akan mengakhiri perjalanan jauhnya menuju dunia barunya, Amerika, Columbus sempat menyaksikan fenomena aneh di wilayah ini. Di tengah suasana laut yang terasa aneh, jarum kompas di kapalnya beberapa kali berubah-ubah. Padahal cuaca saat itu begitu baik.

Lebih dari itu, tak jauh dari kapal, pada suatu malam tiba-tiba para awaknya dikejutkan dengan munculnya bola-bola api yang terjun begitu saja ke dalam laut. Mereka juga menyaksikan lintasan cahaya dari arah ufuk yang kemudian menghilang begitu saja.

Begitulah Segitiga Bermuda. Di wilayah ini, indera keenam memang seperti dihantui "suasana" yang tak biasa. Namun begitu rombongan Columbus masih terbilang beruntung, karena hanya disuguhi "pertunjukkan". Lain dengan pelintas-pelintas yang lain.

Menurut catatan kebaharian, peristiwa terbesar yang pernah terjadi di wilayah ini adalah lenyapnya sebuah kapal berbendera Inggris, Atalanta, pada 1880. Tanpa jejak secuilpun, kapal yang ditumpangi tiga ratus kadet dan perwira AL Inggris itu raib di sana. Selain Atalanta, Segitiga Bermuda juga telah menelan ratusan kapal lainnya.

Di lain kisah, Segitiga Bermuda juga telah membungkam puluhan pesawat yang melintasinya. Peristiwa terbesar yang kemudian terkuak sekitar 1990 lalu adalah raibnya iring-iringan lima Grumman TBF Avenger AL AS yang tengah berpatroli melintas wilayah laut ini pada siang hari 5 Desember 1945. Setelah sekitar dua jam penerbangan komandan penerbangan melapor, bahwa dirinya dan anak buahnya seperti mengalami disorientasi. Beberapa menit kemudian kelima TBF Avenger ini pun raib tanpa sempat memberi sinyal SOS.

Anehnya, misteri Avenger tak berujung di situ saja. Ketika sebuah pesawat SAR jenis Martin PBM-3 Mariner dikirim mencarinya, pesawat amfibi gembrot dengan tigabelas awak ini pun ikut-ikutan lenyap. Hilang bak ditelan udara. Keesokan harinya ketika wilayah-wilayah laut yang diduga menjadi tempat kecelakaan keenam pesawat disapu enam pesawat penyelamat pantai dengan 27 awak, tak satu pun serpihan pesawat ditemukan. Ajaib.

Tahun demi tahun berlalu. Sekitar 1990, tanpa dinyana seorang peneliti berhasil menemukan onggokan kerangka pesawat di lepas pantai Fort Launderdale, Florida. Betapa terkejutnya orang-orang yang menyaksikan. Karena, ketika dicocok kan, onggokan metal itu ternyata bagian dari kelima TBF Avenger.

Hilangnya C-119

Kisah ajaib lainnya adalah hilangnya pesawat transpor C-119 Flying Boxcar pada 7 Juni 1965. Pesawat tambun mesin ganda milik AU AS bermuatan kargo ini, hari itu pukul 7.47 lepas landas dari Lanud Homestead. Pesawat dengan 10 awak ini terbang menuju Lapangan Terbang Grand Turk, Bahama, dan diharapkan mendarat pukul 11.23.

Pesawat ini sebenarnya hampir menuntaskan perjalanannya. Hal ini diketahui dari kontak radio yang masih terdengar hingga pukul 11. Sesungguhnya memang tak ada yang mencurigakan. Kerusakan teknis juga tak pernah dilaporkan. Tetapi Boxcar tak pernah sampai tujuan.

"Dalam kontak radio terakhir tak ada indikasi apa-apa bahwa pesawat tengah mengalami masalah. Namun setelah itu kami kehilangan jejaknya," begitu ungkap juru bicara Penyelamat Pantai Miami. "Besar kemungkinan pesawat mengalami masalah kendali arah (steering trouble) hingga nyasar ke lain arah," tambahnya.

Seketika itu pula tim SAR terbang menyapu wilayah seluas 100.000 mil persegi yang diduga menjadi tempat kandasnya C-119. Namun hasilnya benar-benar nihil. Sama seperti hilangnya pesawat-pesawat lainnya di wilayah ini, tak satu pun serpihan pesawat atau tubuh manusia ditemukan.

"Benar-benar aneh. Sebuah pesawat terbang ke arah selatan Bahama dan hilang begitu saja tanpa jejak," demikian komentar seorang veteran penerbang Perang Dunia II.

Seseorang dari Tim SAR mengatakan, kemungkinan pesawat jatuh di antara Pulau Crooked dan Grand Turk. Bisa karena masalah struktur, ledakan, atau kerusakan mesin. Kalau memang pesawat meledak, kontak radio memang pasti tak akan pernah terjadi, tetapi seharusnya kami bisa menemukan serpihan pecahannya. Begitu pula jika pesawat mengalami kerusakan, mestinya sang pilot bisa melakukan ditching (pendaratan darurat di atas air). Pasalnya, cuaca saat itu dalam keadaan baik. Dalam arti langit cerah, ombak hanya sekitar satu meter, dan angin hanya 15 knot.

Analisis selanjutnya memang mengembang kemana-mana. Namun tetap tidak menghasilkan apa-apa. Kasus C-119 Flying Boxcar pun terpendam begitu saja, sampai akhirnya pada tahun 1973 terbit artikel dari International UFO Bureau yang mengingatkan kembali sejumlah orang pada kasus ajaib tersebut.

Dalam artikel ini dimuat kesaksian astronot Gemini IV, James McDivitt dan Edward H. White II, yang justru membuat runyam masalah. Rupanya pada saat-saat di sekitar raibnya C-119, dia kebetulan tengah mengamati wilayah di sekitar Karibia. Gemini kebetulan memang sedang mengawang-awang di sana. Menurut catatan NASA, pada 3 sampai 7 Juni 1965 keduanya tengah melakukan eksperimen jalan-jalan ke luar kapsul Gemini dengan perlengkapan yang dirahasiakan.

Menurut Divitt, dia melihat sebuah pesawat tak dikenal (UFO) dengan semacam lengan mekanik kedapatan sedang meluncur di atas Karibia. Beberapa menit kemudian Ed White pun menyaksikan obyek lainnya yang serupa. Sejak itulah lalu merebak isu, C-119 diculik UFO. Para ilmuwan pun segera tertarik menguji kesaksian ini. Tak mau percaya begitu saja, mereka mengkonfirmasi obyek yang dilihat kedua astronot dengan satelit-satelit yang ada disekitar Gemini IV. Boleh jadi "kan yang mereka salah lihat ? Maklum saat itu (hingga kini pun), banyak pihak masih menilai sektis terhadap kehadiran UFO.

Ketika itu kepada kedua astronot disodori gambar Pegasus 2, satelit raksasa yang memang memiliki antene mirip lengan sepanjang 32 meter dan sejumlah sampah satelit yang ada di sekitar itu. Namun baik dari bentuk dan jarak, mereka menyanggah jika telah salah lihat.

"Sekali lagi saya tegaskan, dengan menyebut UFO "kan tak berarti saya menunjuk pesawat ruang angkasa dari planet lain. Pengertian UFO sangat universal. Bahwa jika saya melihat pesawat yang menurut penilaian saya tak saya kenal, tidakkah layak jika saya menyebutnya sebagai UFO?" sergah Divitt.

Begitulah kasus C-119 Flying Boxcar yang tak pernah terpecahkan hingga kini. Diantara kapal atau pesawat yang raib di wilayah Segitiga Bermuda kisahnya memang senantiasa sama. Terjadi ketika cuaca sedang baik, tak ada masalah teknis, kontak radio berjalan biasa, tetapi si pelintas tiba-tiba menghilang begitu saja. Tanpa meninggalkan jejak sama sekali.

Banyak teori kemudian dihubung-hubungkan dengan segala kejadian di sana. Ada yang menyebut teori pelengkungan waktu, medan gravitasi terbalik, abrasi atmosfer, dan ada juga teori anomali magnetik-gravitasi. Selain itu ada juga yang mengaitkannya dengan fenomena gampa laut, serangan gelombang tidal, hingga lubang hitam (black-hole) yang hanya terjadi di angkasa luar sana. Aneh-aneh memang analisanya, namun tetap saja tak ada satu pun yang bisa menjelaskannya

Hard bargaining


By Yani Subandriyo




Type of activity

    Whole class activity


Function practiced

    Making an offer and setting condition (syarat)


Language Exponent

    Would you give me……..?

    Will you give me…..?

    Would you like to get ……?

    Do you need…..?

    If I give you …………will you give me…….

    How about exchange my …….. with your ……….?

    I will give you …… if you give me ……..


Lexical Area

    Animals, DIY (do it yourself), cookery, household


Problem Vocabularies

    Paintbrush, paint, stepladder, wallpaper, paste, glass, nails, hammer, hardboard, tape, flour, yeast, salt, water, mixing bowl, screw-driver, glue, screws, eggs, butter, sugar, hoe, spade, trowel, fork, gardening gloves, shampoo, apron, rubber gloves, gloves, towel, bath, packet of seeds, matches, sticks, coal, newspaper, shovel, bucket of soapy water, sponge, polish, hosepipe, dry clothes,


How to use the game

The game may be played with any number of students, but six is the minimum to ensure sufficient interaction.

Copy one task card and a set of corresponding picture card for each student in the class. Give each student a task card. Shuffle the picture cards and distribute them randomly, five to each student, so that no student gets the picture cards which correspond to his/her task card.

The object of the game is to collect the items necessary for the task allotted.

To do this, students should move around the class, offering items in exchange for others. Students may only exchange items – they may not give them away. They may have to make intermediate transaction in order to get the item they really want.


For complete material and download you can follow this link :


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Preference (speaking)


By yani subandriyo

Type of activity

Whole class students


Function practiced

Stating preference

Language Exponent


Which one do you prefer, orange or banana?

Which one do you like better, orange or banana?


I like orange better than banana.

I like swimming better than cycling.

I prefer orange to banana.

I prefer swimming to

I would rather have orange than have banana.

I would rather swim than cycle.

Lexical Area

Daily activities, sport, things around us.

Problem Vocabularies

Dog, cat, dancing, jogging, swimming, skiing, painting, reading, playing guitar, playing piano, playing tennis, playing football, nurse, teacher, surgeon, dentist, a man, a woman, bed, bedroll, sofa, chair, bicycle, motorcycle, bus, plane, tree, flower, chicken, swan, butterfly, bee, letter, telephone, elephant, tiger, snake, bug, hammer, saw, rain, sunny, banana, apple, bird, fish, young, old, castle, camp, water, fire, paper, scissors, ice-cream, hamburger, walkman, stereo, skateboard, roller, boots, slippers.

For complete material and download click the following link http://www.4shared.com/dir/17381126/5db4dd0b/sharing.html

Monday, May 10, 2010

Conversational games

Secret Code

Level: Any Level

I sometimes give instructions to my students written in code that they have to interpret before completing tasks. I've used this at various levels:

Here's an example: to revise alphabet and simple present verbs/vocab.

  • Tell students the code e.g. each code letter represents the letter that comes before it in the alphabet a is b, m is n, 'dbu' is cat etc.
  • Then they decode their message and do the task:
    • xbml up uif cpbse - walk to the board
    • kvnq ufo ujnft - jump ten times

To make it more difficult, I've ...

  • used more complex codes,
  • let them work the code out for themselves,
  • have not defined where words end,
  • have given more complicated tasks or vocabulary
  • or given them half an instruction which they must decode and then find the classmate with the other half of their task information.

This activity can be used to review or practice vocabulary or structure or simply be a different way to introduce the topic for the day's class -- each student gets one or two words to decode and then the class work to put all the words together.


Crazy Story

Level: Any Level

This is an activity that will make your students speak in class and be creative.

  • Ask students to write a word on a piece of paper and tell them not to show anyone. This word should be a verb (or whatever you'd like to review).
  • The teacher starts telling a story, then stops and chooses a student.
  • That student will continue the story and must use his/her word. This student then chooses the next student to continue the story.
  • The last student must end the story.
  • After the story is over, the students then try to guess what words each student has written on his/her paper. The student who guesses the most words wins the game.

Classroom Rules: Must and Mustn't

Level: Easy to Medium

  • Prepare small pieces of paper each with either one thing students must do or one thing students must not do.
  • Tell the students that they are supposed to form sentences that explain classroom rules.
  • Divide the class into groups (of 4 if possible, so that everyone gets a chance to speak).
  • Give each group the pieces of paper.

The winning group, the group that finishes first, reads their sentences aloud. (Each student of the group reads one or two sentences depends on size of group.)

It's an easy game and the preparation does not take too much time. You can make as many rules as you wish.


Digital Camera Scavenger Hunt

Level: Easy to Difficult

This game may require students to leave the classroom depending on how you set it up.

Make a list of things students must take photos of. Then put your students into teams, each with their own camera and have them go out and take the photos. The team that comes back first with all the photos is the winner.

Some ideas for lists are:

  • bus, taxi, car, bicycle, etc.
  • restaurant, post office, mailbox, traffic light, etc.
  • In the classroom: pencil, pen, eraser, blackboard, etc.
  • Around the school: principal's office, copy machine, cafeteria, etc.

For further review of vocabulary, have the students look at all the photos and identify other things that appear in each photo.



Level: Medium to Difficult

This game is a simplified version of the board game "Taboo".

Before class, create several index cards. On each card write one word in a large font with a circle around it, and underneath write 2-4 related words in a smaller font. The goal is for students to get their teammates to guess the circled word. They can say anything they like to try to make them guess, except for the words written on the card.

Divide the class into groups of two, and write each group on the board to keep track of points. Place a desk in the front of the room facing the class, so that someone sitting it has their back to the board and can't read it. Place another desk in front of it, so the teammates are facing each other.

Pick a team to go first, and have them choose a card. Have the teammates decide who will guess and who will talk. The guesser sits with their back to the board. On the board, making sure the guesser can't see, write the circled word as well as the other taboo words. The talker then has to try to make their partner guess the circled word without saying it, or any of the other words. After they guess it have another group come up. When all the groups have gone, do it again and have the teammates switch roles.

My students really enjoy this game, so much so that they often give the guesser clues even when it is not their team! It's a great way for students to practice forming sentences, and it forces them to use words and structures they might otherwise not use.

Beep Game

Level: Easy to Medium

Choose around 10 volunteers to come and stand in a line at the front of the classroom. The first student in line must begin counting from 1, and each student in turn calls out the next number. However, every 4th number must be replaced by the word "beep" (or buzz etc.). Following a "beep" the next student in line must call out the next number, and not the number that has been replaced. For example, 1, 2, 3, beep, 5, 6, 7, beep, 9 etc.

If a student hesitates too much or makes a mistake he/she must sit down, so eventually only one student remains. Whenever a student sits down, begin from 1 again. See how far you can get!


Words Beginning with a Given Letter

Level: Medium to Difficult

The teacher chooses a letter from the alphabet. Then each student must say a word that begins with that letter. If a student repeats a word that has already been said, then he/she is out of the game. The game ends when only one student remains. That student is the winner. In high level classes students lose if they say a past form of the verb. Example: see-saw. You can increase the difficulty by adding a timer. Only allow each student 5 seconds to think of a word.

Counting Liar Game

Level: Any Level

This game is similar to the Alphabet Liar game except it deals with numbers and adding the "S" sound at the end of plural nouns , all you need is a deck of cards.

Divide the students into groups of 4 to 6. Deal all the cards from the deck to the students. The player who has the 2 of Spades begins. This player puts down his 2 of spades and any other 2 he has in his hand FACE DOWN in a pile and proceeds to say "one 2" or "two 2'ssss" then next player proceeds to put down his 3, then 4, then 5 etc...

Let's say the player doesn't have the card he is supposed to put down, for example a 3, the player must try to "lie" or fool the other players into thinking he has the card so he can play... if other students have any doubt they shout "liar" if the player was lying he then pick up the pile at the center of the table. If the player who is accused of lying was telling the truth it is the player who accused him who must pick up the pile in the center.

All players MUST put down a card when it is their turn, even if they do not have the required card. The game is over when one of the players has no more cards.

I use this game to help practice the "s" sound at the end of plural nouns cause most students have a tendency to say "there are 2 dog" rather than "there are 2 dogssssss" this game really helps the message get through. ***For better explanations see the alphabet liar game.***


Act Out an Activity

Level: Easy to Medium

This is a game-like activity to teach continuous tense.

One student simply acts out some activity (e.g. cooking) and the other students guess what that student is doing. The student who guesses correctly acts out another activity...


Vacation Cards

Level: Medium to Difficult

For this activity you will need a deck of cards, and an imaginative theme that could be crafted into some sort of story. For example, I choose "send the teacher on a vacation". On the board or overhead projector make a list like the following. (You could ask your student for input.)

  • A-exciting
  • 2-depressing
  • 3-expensive
  • 4-heroic
  • 5-romantic
  • 6-fantastic
  • 7-sad
  • 8-almost fatal
  • 9-cheap
  • 10-dramatic
  • J-happy
  • Q-weird
  • K-change one option

Prompt the students a little to get them started; perhaps offer a beginning to the story. They then must continue making an oral story by drawing one card and continuing the story along those lines. For example, if they get 4, then the teacher/protagonist must do something heroic or some kind of heroic event must occur. If the students draw a K (or whatever card you stipulate), then they can change one option. This seems to help keep the momentum in the game. Continue through all cards, with the stipulation that the story must be concluded by the end of the deck. Obviously there is a lot of room for variation here. Your word list and theme could be related to your unit of study.

My students really enjoyed this game; it is most interesting if you personalize it and inserts yourself or a student (assuming he/she wouldn't mind).


Headmaster Game

Level: Medium to Difficult

Have each student take out a piece of paper and their dictionary. Write on the board:

You are the new headmaster of this school. You have two years to make this the perfect school. You can have as much money as you want, but you must spend it all in 2 years.

  • What changes would you make immediately?
  • What changes must be gradual?
  • What would you do to make it a better school?
  • What changes would you make?

Be specific. For example, don't say hire better teachers. You must say how you would find better teachers or what kind of teachers you would hire. Also, remember you must think like a headmaster, not like a student! Making school easy and letting the students do no exams or homework will not make parents happy!

Give the students 15 minutes to work alone. Then put them in groups of 3-5 with a leader to organize their thoughts. Each group's leader will give its "report" to the other students during the following class period.

If your students have a small vocabulary you can help them out by listing on the blackboard areas of discussion: teachers, buildings, classrooms, activities, dorms, lunchrooms, curriculum, sports, playground, library, bathrooms, schedules, music, art, etc.

This is a great activity for all ages. We always run out of time!

Submitted by: Victoria Throop


Can You Find What Is Different?

Level: Easy

Ask a volunteer to go out of the classroom. While the student is out of the room, the other students change their sweaters, shoes, coats and so on. Bring the student who went out of the classroom back inside. He/she has to guess the differences (speaking in English, of course.)


Guess the Letter on Your Back

Level: Easy

This game is used to practice the alphabet. Divide students into groups and ask them to stand in line and give the students in the front of the line a piece of chalk to write on the blackboard. Then write with your finger a letter on the back of the students at the end of the line. They must do the same with the student in front of him/her and so on. The students with the chalk try to guess the letter and write any word that begins with that letter on the board.

Fold-over Stories

Level: Any Level

This is an old favorite. Give each student a sheet of blank paper. Write the following words on the board in a vertical line: WHO, WHAT, HOW, WHERE, WHEN, WHY. Explain that everyone will be writing a sentence story. Write an example on the board, explain, asking for suggestions.

  1. Tell them to write someone's name at the top of their paper, i.e., their own, a classmate's, the teacher's, a famous person that everyone knows; fold the paper over once so no one can see it, then pass the paper to the person on their right.
  2. Write on the received paper what the subject did (suggest funny or outrageous actions), fold it over and pass it on to the right.
  3. Continue to write one line, how they did it (adverbs), fold and pass; where-pass; when-pass; and last of all, why (because...) and pass it one more time.
  4. Have the students unfold their stories, and read them silently. Help anyone who cannot read what the others wrote, or doesn't understand.
  5. Ask one student at a time to read "their" story aloud, or turn the stories in for the teacher to read. Funny!


Level: Medium

  • Write down names of every student in your class on pieces of paper.
  • Give the names to students. Try to make two students describe each other.
  • Ask them to describe the person whose name is on the paper.
  • After they finish, give the description to the person who is described. He/she has to find any writing mistakes on the paper.
  • Students work in pairs to correct the two papers.


Guessing the Word from a Drawing

Level: Any Level

  • Ask one student to be in front of the class. Give him/her a word that can not be seen by other students.
  • He/she will draw (on the blackboard) a picture expressing the concept of the word.
  • The rest of the class have to guess the word.
  • If you are keeping score, the one who drew the picture gets the point if the class can guess the word.

Reviewing Tenses

Level: Any Level


  • Print out three sentences (negative, positive, and question) of the tense you want to review.
  • Cut each sentence into words.

The Activity:

  • Students work in groups.
  • Give each group of students words of a sentence and ask them to make the sentence.
  • Draw a table on the board and ask students to tick sentences at suitable positions, positive, negative, or question.
  • Ask students to make rules of the tense.


  • Three Sentences:
    • I am a student.
    • I am not a student.
    • Are you a student?
  • The Rules:
    • TO BE at the present simple
      I am a student.
    • Positive: S + am/is/are + O.
      I am not a student.
    • Negative: S + am/is/are + not + O.
      Are you a student?
    • Question: (Ques words) + am/ is /are + S + O?


Find Parts of Speech of Words in a Sentence

Level: Any Level

  • Prepare cards with parts of speech. Give these to your students.
  • Write the sentences on the board.
  • Ask your students to find parts of speech of words in the sentences.
  • You can divide the class into teams to make the games more fun.

Example: Your sentence:

      I               WENT         TO            SCHOOL   YESTERDAY.    

Pronoun          verb     preposition         noun    


Think Fast!

Level: Any Level

A game for revision (review). It also works well for the last 5 minutes of class

The teacher prepares a list of items for revision e.g. word fields, grammar, facts. In class he/she explains the procedure. Three to five volunteers leave the classroom and wait till their turn has come. The teacher appoints a student to take the exact time and another to take down a tick for every correct answer. No repetitions! (Set up or negotiate rules on pronunciation.) Then the first player is called in.

  • Teacher: You have 20 second to name as many things as come to your mind.
  • Your topic: Parts of the body / London sights / plays by William Shakespeare / the places in a town / traffic signs / weekend shopping-list / etc.
  • Ready, steady, go

Once all volunteers have done their bit, award a small prize (e.g. a sticker) to the winner of the round. Then ask the class for additions before you pick the next item. Then pick the next item.

Allow more time (30 or 40 seconds) for longer answers: What have you done so far today? / What did you do last weekend? / School rules: What do students have to do? What are they not allowed to do? / etc.

If this game is played in groups, they should be evenly balanced.

Alphabet Liar Game

Level: Any Level

  • Take a pack of letter cards, mixed up. It is better if it is not a complete alphabet, and there are some duplicate cards.
  • Deal all the cards out to the players
  • Students take it in turns to play cards face down. They must go through the alphabet, starting from 'A', playing one card face down and saying the letters in Alphabetical order.
  • Even if they do not have the card to be played for that turn, they must play any card and pretend it is the card they said. Say the sequence has gone A, B. The next player must play a card and say C, even if he has not got a C.
  • If any player does not believe that someone has played the real card, he can say: "You're a liar" and turns the card over. If the card has the letter which was said, the challenger picks up all the cards. If it is not, the liar picks up all the cards in the pile. The winner is the first one to finish all their cards.

Survivor Spelling Game

Level: Any Level

Use this activity to review vocabulary:

Make a list of vocabulary covered in previous lessons. Have students stand. Call out a vocabulary word. The first student begins by saying the word and giving the first letter, the second student the second letter of the word, the third student the third letter, and so on until the word is spelled correctly. If somebody makes a mistake they must sit down and we start from the beginning again until the word is spelled correctly. The last student must then pronounce the word correctly and give a definition in order to stay standing. The student who is left standing is the "survivor" and wins the game. I usually give them some type of prize. If all the students remain standing we have a pizza party at the end of the week.

The students love it and it is a great way to practice vocabulary!!!

What's Your Name?

Level: Easy (Raw beginners)

One student sits in the front of the classroom (usually in the teacher's comfortable chair) with his back to the other students. The teacher then points to students in the class and asks, "What's your name?" The student indicated must respond "My name is__________" with either his own name or the name of someone in the class. The student in the front cannot see who is speaking. The teacher says to him, "Is it___________?" and he must say, "Yes, it is" or "No, it isn't". If the student in front is correct, he gets to stay there, but if he's mistaken, he changes place with the student who fooled him.

To make the game more interesting, the students are encouraged to disguise their voices.

I always do this with my beginners at the beginning of the year, but always at the end of the class, and for not more than 5 to 10 minutes. (My beginners are elementary age.)

Human Bingo - Getting to Know You Activity

Level: Any Level

Have the students divide an 8.5" x 11" paper into 9 squares (two vertical lines / two horizontal lines. The middle square is the "free" space. Next, put a list of 5 questions on the board (these can vary in difficulty). For example:

  1. What is your name?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. How long have you been in the USA?
  4. hat is the strangest thing you have eaten here?
  5. (they make a question)

The students must then interview 8 different people in the class to fill in the bingo page. Each square on the paper represents one person's answers. When they have written all the answers from one person, they go on to someone else until all of the boxes on the paper are filled. When everyone has finished, the teacher uses the class list to call off names. For example, if the teacher says, "Who has Rodrigo?", the students who interviewed Rodrigo would then provide the answers he gave to the bingo questions.

It's a fun game that gets students speaking right away. It usually takes a while to complete.


Sunday, May 9, 2010


Maaf untuk postingan invitation, gambar belum bisa dimuat. url tambahan akan segera kami posting. terimakasih.



( Recount )


Task 1

Observe the picture and answer the following questions.

1. What picture is it?

2. Have you ever got the letter showing in the picture?

3. How do you feel when you got the letter showing in the picture?

4. What kind of letter is it, formal or informal letter?

5. Do we have to wear a formal clothes?




Task 2

Read the text carefully then answer the questions.

Were you invited?

Last week I just got a wedding invitation. It was from my schoolmate. He lived in a remote village far from town. He would marry a beautiful young girl. She was just two years younger than him.

At the appointed day, I got up early since I had never gone to his house before. I wore my best formal suit since I believed I would meet my old friends there. It was a sunny day and I drove my car happily. After an hour driving, I arrived at the village mentioned in the invitation. I kept driving to the appointed direction and followed the map written in the invitation.

I was surprised to see a party in a distance. I thought it would take for about fifteen to twenty minutes driving to that place, and it's just ten minutes from the last time I saw the border of village. Seeing at the crowd, I thought the party had been started. I was hurriedly parking my car and joining the party.

I was looking around anxiously since I couldn't find any of my old-friends there. I looked at the bride and bridegroom, I was confused because the bride was not my friend. I tried to calm myself down. I sat still and ate my snack.

Ten minutes passed by, suddenly my mobile phone rang. It was from my old friend. He was asking my position. I was waited by all my old friends. It was only me who was not present. I said that I would be there soon after the party I was joining now was over.

They were surprised, by after awhile they all laughed. Finally they knew that I was joining the wrong wedding party.


Answer the following question.

1.    What did the writer get last week?

2.    Where did the writer's friend live?

3.    How did the writer go to the party?

4.    Did the writer join the right party?

5.    When would the writer join his friend's wedding party?


Task 3

Match the words in the left column with their Indonesian on the right column.

  1. Invitation
  2. Remote
  3. Appointed
  4. Since
  5. Wore
  6. Believed
  7. Kept
  8. Mentioned
  9. Distance
  10. crowd
  1. kejauhan
  2. terus atau tetap
  3. mengenakan atau memakai
  4. ditentukan
  5. undangan
  6. terpencil
  7. karena / sejak
  8. percaya
  9. disebutkan
  10. kerumunan


Task 4

Answer following questions based on the above invitation letter.

1.     What kind of letter is that?

2.    Who will get married ?

3.     When will the party be held?

4.     Where will the party be held?

5.     Mentioned some important things an invitation letter should have?


Task 5

Try to make an invitation letter based on the following situation.

1. 2.


















Saturday, May 1, 2010

Describing game – [ advanced ]

Find The Occupants

Type of the activity

  • Whole class
  • Maching game

Level :

  • Intermediate – advanced

Function Practised

  • Describing houses and people


  • He is / she is / it is / they are ……(+adjective)
  • Present simple/present continuous for expressing habit

Lexical areas

  • Houses, people, appearance, age, occupation, habits

Problem Vocabulary

  • Castle, detached, terrace, cottage, lighthouse, semi detached, bungalow

How to use the game

  1. Make some copies of the papers.
  2. Cut one set of picture (house and people) and give to the students. They will act as house owner (5 students).
  3. Cut another set of picture, but this time discard the picture of a house and leave a picture of the people.
  4. Spread the picture of people to the rest of the students. They may get the same picture, but don't let them know this. You can do this by shuffle the cards.
  5. Use the remains complete set for you (teacher) to control student works.
  6. The goal of this game is for each student to find the suitable house for them by asking the owner the house the characteristics of the people living in that house. To do this they must move around the class, describing their appearance and confirm if they are one member of the house-owner family.
  7. When they have their house, they should sit with the house owner and waiting for another family member that might be still looking for their house.
  8. The teacher should give a time limit, it's usually 5 minutes for intermediate level, and 3 minutes for advanced. But you can adjust the time according to the number of students involved in the activity.
  9. Good luck.


Picture sets

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How to teach effectively

One day one of my teaching colleges came into teacher's room with a hard look. His eyes were menacing and his face was really tensed. Nobody asked him, and nobody talked to him either. He was really mad.

A couple of minute passed and finally he opened the conversation. But, this time, I could hardly say that it was a good talking, it's just an expression of a frustrating teacher. As normally, he started to blame our students.

I believed that those happening can be found almost in every school. When the teaching-learning was failed, students were the object should be blamed. We could easily claimed that they were not attentive, lazy, no motivation, and even no potencies or talent in our school subject. But, what about ourselves??? It was really obvious that teacher was a clear mirror for the teaching-learning process. When teacher came out from the classroom frustrated, the teaching-learning process had to be frustrating, and vice verse.

Logically, the success of teaching-learning process involved not only students, but also another learning component, such as teacher and the facilities. But according to me, teacher and students plays more important role in a successful teaching-learning process. It was said by our first president that everyone could be a teacher and everyplace could be a school. But he didn't state how to create a good classroom, did he? And this is the point where we are heading to….

  • Teaching naturally
    • Let's look back at our childhood and answer the following question by ourselves. Which one was more interesting to be studied, spelling the alphabets or learning how to make a good kite? I do believe that learning how to make a good kite was more important than spelling. What I want to say here is that we will be more motivated to learn something when we need it. In philosophical term people will learn something only when they need it. So I think the most important thing to do is how to develop students' awareness on the importance of our teaching subject. And it must be done at the beginning of our teaching, and we should not progress till this phased was reached, otherwise we will fail to create students' curiosity and interest in our teaching subject.
  • Understanding student's learning type
    • As all we know that we are facing four types of students' learning style.
      • The visual students tend to be interested only in something interesting to be seen. It can be something colorful or having good shape.
      • The auditory students tend to be interested only in something nice to be heard. So a good teacher must vary their tone to maintain students' attention.
      • The audio-visual students tend to be interested only something good to be seen and to be heard. It's the combination of audio and visual learning type.
      • The psychomotor students tend to be interested in a school subject which require him to move in learning it.



To be able to create a good class environment we could do the following suggestion;

  • Try to get students awareness of the importance of our teaching topic every time we start our teaching. It's better to grade our school subject from the most interesting to the students to the least interesting. It's known that once students' thought that our teaching was enjoyable, they tend to be enjoy in every topic we present. So our first impression is really important. It is really suggestive. I myself usually sacrificed my first meeting with my new students just to get a good impression.
  • Provide all students' learning style. Don't be afraid to be a laughed by students as long as they understand our teaching topic. We won't lose our pride just because students laugh at us. As long as we could maintain our good behavior. We could be a clown, but let them know that we are not a usual clown, we are an educated and serious clown. In other time we should put off our mask and behave strictly, e.g. in a evaluation, and testing time. So, everything will be put in balance. Students will surely love our class and by doing so hopefully they will understand our teaching topic, and in the other hand they keep respecting us as their teacher.
  • Have a nice try!!!!!



Source : http://www.esl-lab.com/radio/radiord1.htm

By : yani subandriyo


1. What service is being advertised?

A. home repair

B. food catering

C. carpet cleaning


2.Who is speaking in the commercial?

A. the salesperson

B. the carpet

C. the home owner


3. What is the regular cost of the service?

A. $22.95

B. $25.95

C. $29.95


4. What will new customers receive free of charge if they call now?

A. spot cleaner

B. silverware

C. wall hangings


5. What is the store's phone number?

A. 673-5010

B. 633-5100

C. 637-5001







Source : http://www.esl-lab.com/radio/radiord1.htm

By : yani subandriyo


Hey you! This is your carpet speaking. Helllooo! Hey, I take a real beating from you and your _____________1 [ friends pets family ] everyday. The kids track ______________2 [ mud dirt stains ] all over me, the dog leaves a bunch of fur balls everywhere. You _______________3 [ made spilt dropped ] coffee the other day while entertaining guests, and your husband left a trail of potato chip crumbs from the sofa to the kitchen last night while watching the ______________4 [ football basketball hockey ] game. Don't you think it's about time to give me a good cleaning?


Now pick up that phone and call Master Cleaners now. I see them on the TV all the time. They'll clean any three rooms for $29.95, and any ____________5 [ additional extra connecting ] hall is free. Plus, they'll throw in a free ____________ 6 [ sample bottle container ] of their amazing stain remover. And if you call now, you'll receive a ____________ 7 [ 5% 15% 50% ] discount off their already low prices. So come on! Give them a call at 637-5001, and make life for me a little easier. Uh, nice doggie, nice doggie . . .

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